"Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts."

– Rachel Carson

"Marshlight Drama"
16 x 20 oil on canvas
Available at Flourish Fine Art Gallery

"Hope Shines Through"
16 x 20 oil on canvas
Available at Flourish Fine Art Gallery

"Gliding Through Idyllic Blue"
11" x 14" oil on canvas
Available at Flourish Fine Art Gallery

"Last of Day’s Golden Rays"
5 x 7 oil on paper
Available at Flourish Fine Art Gallery

"Winding Water"
5 x 7 oil on canvas
Available at Flourish Fine Art Gallery

"Nature’s Abstraction Attraction"
5 x 7 oil on canvas
Available at Flourish Fine Art Gallery

"Bronzed Light"
11 x 14 oil on canvas

"Come with Me into the Woods"
5 x 7 oil on paper

"Magical Marsh"
5 x 7 oil on canvas

"Marsh Mellow Skies"
5 x 7 oil on linen panel

"Perfect Marsh Day"
24 x 30" oil on canvas