
“My family makes fun of me for my obsession with pillows and candles - but it is art that truly gives a home its identity and its character. Feeding your soul with beauty and nature is essential to a full life.”

About Beck McDowell

Beck McDowell grew up in New Orleans surrounded by the Mississippi River, Lake Pontchartrain, canals, bayous and swamps. But it was the beauty and serenity of the marshes that drew her to painting these shallow wetlands that sheltered tiny animals and plants from predatory fish and majestic sea birds in search of a tasty meal. For many years she traveled from Huntsville by bus with her students to study the coastal marshes so they would understand the importance of nature’s nurseries in our food chain. Although she has no formal training, the encouragement of local professionals and artist friends has motivated her to work hard to capture the emotions these scenes inspire in her. Oil is her favorite medium for recreating light and sky and water and reflections.

The author of two books, Last Bus Out (bio) and This Is Not a Drill (YA), Beck says the melding of her writing career and art career began when her grandmother sent her first grade poem called “Clouds” to a contest. She’s been writing stories and painting clouds ever since.